Here is where you will find Printable Forms ~ Class listings ~ Class Dates ~ Policies
CLASS LISTINGSClick on a SUBJECT below to see detailed course descriptions of individual classes for that subject.
MATH & FINANCE Mad Dog Math (G1-6, Mrs. Corrigan) Middle Math Concepts (G4-7, Mrs. Massa) Pre-Algebra (G6-9, Mrs. Byrne) Algebra 1 (HS, Mr. Wells) Algebra 2 (HS, Mrs. Hobbis) Dave Ramsey Personal Finance (G8-12, Mrs. Rains) SCIENCE Science w/Art (G1-3, Ms. Corrigan) Physical Science (G4-6, Mrs. Melendes) Life Science (G4-8, Mrs. Melendes) General Science (G6-9, Mrs. Gnewuch) Physical Science (G6-9, Mrs. Gnewuch) Biology w/Lab (HS, Mrs. Blankshain) Chemistry w/Lab (HS, Sheppard) Anatomy w/Lab (HS, Mrs. Godwin) Physics (HS, Mr. Blankshain) HISTORY Modern History/Art (Ms. Corrigan) American History (HS, Mrs. Helms) U.S. Government, 1st Semester (HS, Mrs. Helms) Economics, 2nd Semester (HS, Mrs. Helms) Apologetics (HS, Mr. deAlba) LANGUAGE ARTS, WRITING & LITERATURE Phonics & Spelling, Levels 1-3 (PreK-G4, Mrs. Byrne/Mrs. Lyle) Spelling Lab Level 3 (G2-5, Mrs. Blankshain) Charlotte Mason (G2-4, Mrs. Helms) Language Arts w/IEW Heroes of the Bible (G2-4, Mrs. Massa) Writing w/IEW Discoveries in Writing (G4-6, Mrs. Helms) Lang Arts w/Greek & Latin Roots (G4-8, Mrs. Woodson) IEW Modern History (G6-9, Dr. Gordon) Writeshop 1 (G7-10, Mrs. Olin/Team) Writeshop 2 (G8-12, Mrs. Olin/Team) World Literature (HS, Mrs. Byrne) American Literature (HS, Mrs. Sheppard) British Literature (HS, Morrison) FOREIGN LANGUAGE Elem Spanish (G1-3 Mrs. Lee) Elem. Spanish (G4-8, Mrs. Lee/Bias Team) Spanish 1 (HS, Mrs. Lee) Spanish 2 (HS, Mrs. Bias) Sign Language 1 (G6-12, Mrs. Blankshain) MUSIC/ART Guitar (G6-12, Mrs. Laurain) Art w/Science (G1-3, Ms. Corrigan) Art w/Modern History (G4-8, Ms. Corrigan) Art - Watercolor (G6-12, Ms. Corrigan) Art - Drawing (G6-12, Ms. Corrigan) |
There are a few options for returning your registration forms: mail to the address shown on the registration form, scan and email, or bring with you on any given Tuesday that we have classes.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us HERE. REGISTRATION & ORIENTATION DATESREGISTRATION at CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH or for more information contact HSFM.
(CBC) 8281 Garfield HB, CA 92646 (east of Beach Blvd) REGISTRATION/ORIENTATIONS DATE: There are no scheduled registration dates yet for 2025-26, but registration is still open for 2024-25. ELEMENTARY ORIENTATION ~ Students and one or both parents must attend a group orientation from 10-10:30am. There are no scheduled Orientation dates until next summer 2025. JH/HIGH SCHOOL ORIENTATION ~ Students and one or both parents must attend a group orientation from 11-12pm. There are no scheduled Orientation dates until next summer 2025. 2024-25 CLASS DATESCLASSES ARE EVERY TUESDAY at CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, HB
ELEMENTARY & ELECTIVE CLASS DATES 12 Wks 1st Sem. - Sept 10 - Dec 10. No classes Nov. 5 (Election Day), Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving), Dec. 17, 24, 31, Jan 7, 14 (Christmas) 14 Wks 2nd Sem. - Jan 21 - May 13. No classes Feb. 18 (President's Day), April 15 & 22 (Easter break) JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC CLASS DATES 14 Wks 1st Sem. - Sept 10 - Jan 14. No classes Nov. 5 (Election Day), Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving), Dec. 17, 24, 31 (Christmas) 15 Wks 2nd Sem. - Jan 21 – May 20. No classes Feb. 18 (President's Day), April 15 & 22 (Easter break) HSFM PAYMENT & DROP POLICIESDEPOSIT PAYMENTS can be made by ~
REGISTRATION & MATERIAL FEES – Registration and material fees are listed for the FULL YEAR. Textbooks & supplies that families need to purchase are listed under “Recommended text or supplies”. Unless otherwise noted, recommended texts refer to current editions. In manhy cases, curriculum is included with the material fee and will be noted on the individual course description. PAYMENT POLICY – The following payment schedule is available to accommodate families who need to budget their fees over the course of the school year. Alternative payment options may be considered case by case. Deposit – 25% | Oct 20% (45% total fees) | Nov 20% (65% total fees) | Dec 10% (75% total fees) | Feb 15% (90% total fees) | Mar 10% (100% total fees) *An alternate payment schedule can be considered on a case by case basis for families who anticipate that they will need an extension for meeting the 75% December payment. *In addition to the 25% deposit at the time of registration, a “Good Faith Accountability Check” of 10% (max $60) is required at the time of registration which will be cashed in December when the 75% payment is due and will be applied toward the 75%. However, the check will be cashed and applied as a service fee (not toward the balance) if the 75% is not being met at the December payment. Families needing an alternate payment plan without the additional service fee must request by email before the November payment. DROP FEES will be calculated based on the date HSFM receives notification by email. At least 4 wks prior to start date –$15 if dropping all classes or $5 per dropped class At least 2 wks prior to start date –$30 if dropping all classes or $15 per dropped class Less than 2 wks prior to start date –$30 and $10 per dropped class Weeks 1 & 2 – 15% first dropped class and 10% each additional dropped class Week 3 & 4 – 20% registration fees for each dropped class Week 5 & 6 – 30% registration fees for each dropped class Week 7 & 8 – 40% registration fees for each dropped class Week 9 & 10 – 50% registration fees for each dropped class Week 11-14 – 75% registration fees for each dropped class Weeks 15-29 – Family pays 100% all fees including registration and materials Material fees calculated separately, depending on the curriculum and supplies already received. There is no drop fee to transfer to another class within the first 4 weeks, other than adjusting for differences in the cost of each class. After week 4, transferring from one class to another may incur a partial drop fee, depending on the classes affected. The $30 Family fee is retained once classes have started. |