You will find the classes are color-coded by the recommended grade level.
GREEN (younger/middle elementary)
BLUE (elementary/Jr High)
RED (Jr High/ High School)
GREEN (younger/middle elementary)
BLUE (elementary/Jr High)
RED (Jr High/ High School)
Ms. Jana Corrigan received her associate degree in Art and Humanities from Coast Community College in 2020 and in addition received private art instruction for six years. During this time, she enjoyed volunteer and teacher roles for various ministries. As a graduated homeschool student, she has a passion for teaching art alongside academic subjects such as science and history in the homeschool community where her students and families have appreciated her artistic skills and her ability to encourage and instruct students of all ages in art theory. Besides teaching for HSFM, she also works as an assistant to artist Cathy Clark and together they recently illustrated and published a children’s picture book. Ms. Corrigan’s talent continues to flourish while creating her own paintings and designs, and as she trains young artists at HSFM. We are very grateful that the Lord has provided a teacher who not only has years of private training and college coursework, but also is knowledgeable and experienced in providing instruction in art theory while incorporating science and history lessons.
Modern World History & Art - G4-8Here is an opportunity for students in the 4th-8th grades to fulfill two classes at once: Modern World History & Art...or just an Art option. Students will be provided reading assignments from the text “The Story of the World: History For the Classical Child,” written by Susan Wise Bauer, each week. The class consists of 30 lessons that include an overview of events, famous people and art. Various worksheets, activities and questions will also be provided for additional instruction and enrichment at home.
The art assignment will be completed in class and will correspond to the section in history that we will be studying. Each student’s art ability will be taken into consideration, and art assignments will be offered according to their skill level. Art techniques will also be covered. Registration Fee: $310/year (26-week schedule) Material Fee: $75/year includes:
All resources provided with material fee. |
Mr. Abraham deAlba is a dedicated Pastor with many years of experience teaching scripture. As an assistant pastor, and a college & young adults pastor he taught and mentored many young men and women, helping them grow in their appreciation of God’s Word, providing pre-marital counseling, and implementing various discipleship programs including leadership and evangelism. He facilitated a young adult small group with an “open forum” to discuss current and culturally relevant issues from a Christian point of view. As an adjunct Professor at Calvary Chapel Bible College from 2012-2017, he implemented curriculum for “Foundations of Apologetics” courses. HSFM students nearing the completion of their homeschool journey now have the opportunity to anchor their faith and become better equipped “to engage their culture and defend their faith with sound biblical theology and powerful apologetics” (Summit Ministries). He and his wife, Danielle, homeschool their daughter, and are also a delightful family within the HSFM community.
Apologetics - Understand the Times - HSWe can't understand what is going on in the world until we look below the surface at the ideas that influence our beliefs and behaviors. These ideas can be grouped into six major worldviews. The Understand the Times curriculum exposes the ideas that construct one’s worldviews so students acquire discernment and are equipped to interpret world events and culture. Christianity has an explanation for reality, but so does Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, and Postmodernism. Each of these worldviews is founded upon a pattern of interconnected ideas. These worldviews dictate (consciously or unconsciously) how we interpret or respond to issues.
Make no mistake, these worldviews are at war. This class will open your eyes to the factions competing for your heart and mind. Because we are all sinners (Romans 6:23), the worldviews developed apart from God’s Word will lead people away from the God of the Bible and Christianity. But with a Biblically based Christian worldview, we as believers have God's perspective on the challenges we face and how best to deal with them. With years of pastoral, young adult, and family ministry experiences, Mr. deAlba provides a classroom experience that engages students to think analytically and biblically, while covering various world views that have permeated society and culture throughout history and our modern era. Registration Fee: $350/year (29-week schedule) Material Fee: $15/year includes:
Mrs. Valerie Helms is a seasoned homeschool mom and teacher. Her journey with the Lord began at age 5 and was developed more fully with monthly trips to an orphanage in Mexico. In 1985, she earned a certificate from Cerritos College in Early Childhood Education. She has spent the last 30 years as a Sunday School teacher and the last 16 years teaching co-op classes for most grade levels and nearly every subject. She has a wonderful supportive husband who has helped facilitate their homeschool journey. They have hosted students from 4 countries for 12 years, as well as homeschooled their own two children that are now in college. She recalls one of her experiences in their journey where they constructed chicken coups when studying life cycles. At one point, they had 32 animals. Mrs. Helms is in leadership at a local Christian academy and thoroughly enjoys mentoring mothers and nurturing children. She loves the homeschool journey.
American History - HSThe American History instructor will present engaging discussions. Assignments are based on the history portion of Exploring World History by Ray Notgrass. Understanding history from a faith-based perspective allows students to explore events, issues, and cultures from a Christian worldview. The instructor at times may select relevant resources from the optional Notgrass “American Voices” book which includes documents, speeches, essays, hymns, poems, and short stories that enhance the student's understanding of historical content (but purchasing this resource is optional for families). Class instruction and activities prepare students for weekly readings at home and also sparks discussions that encourage thoughtful analysis of social, political, and spiritual issues in context. Homework may include, but not limited to, answering selected questions in the Notgrass curriculum, taking quizzes and unit exams, and may include additional writing responses from the topics covered in the curriculum for further practice in writing persuasive papers. Critical thinking will be encouraged through classroom discussions, and a research paper and a cause-effect essay will further challenge students to think critically when studying topics in American history. Students wishing to also cover American literature will need to enroll in the American Literature class (see corresponding description). While students are not required to take both courses simultaneously, concurrent enrollment will ensure that both history and literature are adequately covered for transcript purposes.
Registration Fee: $330/year (29-week schedule) Material Fee: $15/year includes:
Mrs. Valerie Helms is a seasoned homeschool mom and teacher. Her journey with the Lord began at age 5 and was developed more fully with monthly trips to an orphanage in Mexico. In 1985, she earned a certificate from Cerritos College in Early Childhood Education. She has spent the last 30 years as a Sunday School teacher and the last 16 years teaching co-op classes for most grade levels and nearly every subject. She has a wonderful supportive husband who has helped facilitate their homeschool journey. They have hosted students from 4 countries for 12 years, as well as homeschooled their own two children that are now in college. She recalls one of her experiences in their journey where they constructed chicken coups when studying life cycles. At one point, they had 32 animals. Mrs. Helms is in leadership at a local Christian academy and thoroughly enjoys mentoring mothers and nurturing children. She loves the homeschool journey.
Michael Farris is a founding president of HSLDA and continues to serve as board chairman. He is also founding president of Patrick Henry College, where he serves as chancellor emeritus. From 2017-2022, he served as the president and CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom. Farris is a constitutional appellate litigator who has served as lead counsel in the United States Supreme Court, eight federal circuit courts, and the appellate courts of 13 states. He has been a leader on Capitol Hill for over 30 years and is widely known for his leadership on homeschooling, religious freedom, and the preservation of American sovereignty. A prolific author, Farris has been recognized with a number of awards, including the Heritage Foundation's Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship, and as one of the "Top 100 Faces in Education for the 20th Century" by Education Week magazine. Mike and Vickie have 10 children and many grandchildren. |
US Government - HS - 1st SemesterCIVICS CLASS FOR AMERICAN GOV'T - Mike Farris’ (HSLDA) Civics course is available for HSFM students to enroll and participate in a weekly class where Mrs. Helms will provide engaging discussions on the content presented by Mr. Farris. The course content teaches students about American government and includes topics such as liberty and justice, how a bill becomes a law, how to defeat bad legislation, universal rights, the power of Congress, the Supreme Court, treaties, Bill of Rights, equal protection, voting, and political parties, free economy, and more. By taking the course with HSFM, families receive logins needed for watching the videos by Mike Farris as part of their weekly assignments, and in preparation for class discussions. The course text is included with the login, so students can conveniently watch the videos, and read selected passages from the online text. Written responses by the students will give provide opportunities for students to think critically about the topics being covered. No additional text is required, and each family’s login remains active for 12 months.). All instruction is given from a Christian perspective and supports traditional, Judeo/Christian values. The primary focus of the course is to educate and inspire Christian citizens to understand the role of government and recognize their responsibility in exercising good stewardship within our political system. Writing assignments may include, but not limited to, persuasive papers, cause-effect essay, and a research paper for practice in siting sources and following MLA standards.
TRAILER for the video series is available - Registration Fee: $175 - 1st Semester, 14 weeks Material Fee: $75/year includes:
Mrs. Valerie Helms is a seasoned homeschool mom and teacher. Her journey with the Lord began at age 5 and was developed more fully with monthly trips to an orphanage in Mexico. In 1985, she earned a certificate from Cerritos College in Early Childhood Education. She has spent the last 30 years as a Sunday School teacher and the last 16 years teaching co-op classes for most grade levels and nearly every subject. She has a wonderful supportive husband who has helped facilitate their homeschool journey. They have hosted students from 4 countries for 12 years, as well as homeschooled their own two children that are now in college. She recalls one of her experiences in their journey where they constructed chicken coups when studying life cycles. At one point, they had 32 animals. Mrs. Helms is in leadership at a local Christian academy and thoroughly enjoys mentoring mothers and nurturing children. She loves the homeschool journey.
Economics - HS - 2nd SemesterEconomics is a comprehensive, one-semester course offered spring semester, (following U.S. Government - fall semester). This economics course explores principles of both macroeconomics and microeconomics, to help students gain an understanding of basic principles and concepts. Lessons are presented from a Christian perspective and begin by surveying the role of economics in the Old Testament and history of the church. It provides explanations and examples of important terms and concepts such as supply and demand, gross domestic product, budgets, deficits, markets, employment, and trade, as well as examining how individuals are impacted by our capitalistic society. Biblical teachings on money and finance are emphasized throughout the curriculum and class lectures. The importance of a free-market system is presented as essential and foundational to a thriving economy. Students who previously have had minimal experience in the area of economics will understand how the US economic system is structured and how it interacts within world economies. The instructor at times may select relevant resources from the optional Notgrass “Making Choices” book which includes historic and modern documents, essays, and speeches (but purchasing this resource is optional for families). Assignments are given each week from the Notgrass curriculum for the week ahead, and students are expected to read weekly units and turn in completed review questions, and quizzes. A class midterm and final provide practice in study skills and help students retain valuable and applicable lessons learned throughout the semester. Students will also conduct and cite research from the internet, following MLA standards, and complete a persuasive essay. Families are encouraged to obtain the curriculum early, so students get a good start beginning with week one.
Registration Fee: $175 (2nd Semester/15-week schedule) Material Fee: $15/semester includes weekly assignment sheets and all course handouts Required text and supplies: