You will find on the COURSE DESCRIPTION pages that the classes are color-coded by grade level.
GREEN (younger/middle elementary)
BLUE (elementary/Jr High)
RED (Jr High/ High School)
Some classes show two colors.
Download Schedule HERE
GREEN (younger/middle elementary)
BLUE (elementary/Jr High)
RED (Jr High/ High School)
Some classes show two colors.
Download Schedule HERE
HSFM 2024-25 Class Schedule
The registration fees are shown as two numbers, such as 300/75 and refer to the registration fee (300) and the material fee (75) for the academic school year. Prices apply to classes with seven or more students. Price adjustment (up to 20%) may be applied for classes with 4-6 students. The schedule layout lists classes per period from Youngest to Oldest. The color-coding helps to find classes quickly according to grade levels~
Classes with Asterix (*) include options for helping families meet A-G transcript requirements.
GREEN (younger/middle elementary)~~~BLUE (elementary/Jr High)~~~RED (Jr High/ High School)
Classes with Asterix (*) include options for helping families meet A-G transcript requirements.
GREEN (younger/middle elementary)~~~BLUE (elementary/Jr High)~~~RED (Jr High/ High School)